Matthew Coleman

Programmer and Maker

Who am I

I'm a programmer, hacker, maker and computer enthusiast who likes to build custom things. Since I was a kid I liked to disassemble things so I could learn how they were put together. Some times I even put them back together. When I was 10, I would program lines of BASIC code (which included the dreaded GOTO command) on our Commodore 64, only to have my brother unplug the computer and erase everything. That didn't stop me though. Curiosity grew as I got older and I learned to program in C++, mostly because my love of gaming. Early on I knew that programming was something I excelled at and very much enjoyed. Unfortunately timing was just not right for me and so I put my programming career on hold to pursue my own business in construction. Despite the success I had I saw that things had changed since the dot com crash era I was in when I originally finished school.

So I picked back up as a hobby at first. Learning arduinos, raspberry pi and scripting languages. I mixed my knowledge of building things with computer programming to make things such as a raspberry pi powered arcade, custom designed XY Core 3d printer and a CNC router.

Building and constructing things from smaller components is what excited whether its making new libraries to make coding easier or designing precision cut gantry parts for a 3d printer. I believe every difficult thing can be broken down into smaller components. With these components broken down you can understand them on a different scale and see them in a way that it becomes simple.

I've spent my spare time for the last four years relearning the things I learned about programming but mostly learning new technologies. Technologies that were not possible 10 years ago, but today have become commonplace. It's hard learning new things sometimes but I think if you break it down into sizable chunks all the pieces have there place.


    Obtain software development position that utilizes the skill set I have as well as expanding my knowledge of new and existing technologies.


Stellar Floors | Overland Park, KS

Owner/Project Manager/Designer 2005 – Present

Sprint | Overland Park, KS

Sr. Technical Support Technician 2004 – 2005

H&R Block | Overland Park, KS

Technical Support 2003 - 2004



Technical Training

Step One

Open Source Projects

Web Sites